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Bottom-Friendly Nachos



Active Time:

20 min

Total Time:

45 min

Why is this better on your bottom?

  • Plant-based "cheese" sauce

  • Plant-based "cheese" shreds and "sour cream" 

  • Plant diversity 

  • Lean ground chicken breast

  • Raw veggies

  • Tortilla chips with at least 1 gram of fiber per serving 

More butt & gut goodies

Bottom-Friendly Tiramisu
Bottom-Friendly Cream
Bottom-Friendly Chicken & Waffles
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees and line a half baking sheet with aluminum foil. In a skillet over high heat, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil. Once hot, add the ground chicken. Once cooked through, add the taco seasoning and anything else the package's instructions may call for. Cook for 2 more minutes, remove from the heat, and set aside.

  2. Make The Bottom's Digest cheese sauce and set aside. 

  3. Mix the dairy-free sour cream ingredients together until the sour cream is thin enough to drizzle. Set aside.

  4. Mix all the pico de gallo ingredients together and set aside.

  5. Place half of the chips on the baking sheet, drizzle cheese sauce over the chips, half the shredded cheese, and half the ground chicken. Repeat one more layer.

  6. Bake for about ~15 minutes until the cheese is melted and the chips are crispy. Remove from the oven and top the nachos with diced green onion, pico de gallo, and a drizzle of dairy-free sour cream. Serve immediately (nachos don't hold up well as leftovers). Bottoms up!


For the pico de gallo:

  • 1-2 jalapenos, finely diced

  • 1/2 large white onion, finely diced

  • 3 Roma tomatoes, finely diced

  • 1/4 C cilantro

  • Juice of 1/2-1 large lime, more to taste

  • 1 tsp salt, more to taste

For the dairy-free sour cream:

  • 2 tbsp. Tofutti sour cream 

  • Juice of 1/2 lime

Optional toppings:

  • Hot sauce

  • Salsa

  • Chopped cilantro

  • Diced avocado

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